JBI SUMARI Knowledge Base
Organizational or Institutional User of JBI SUMARI
JBI SUMARI (System for the Unified Management of the Assessment and Review of Information) is a software package designed to assist in the conduct of JBI systematic reviews. It is designed to assist researchers and practitioners in fields such as health, social sciences and humanities to conduct 10 different types of reviews including reviews of effectiveness, qualitative research, economic evaluations, prevalence/incidence, etiology/risk, mixed methods, umbrella/overviews, text/opinion, diagnostic test accuracy and scoping reviews.
MYJBI is the exclusive JBI membership platform. To access JBI SUMARI you will first need to create a MYJBI account. Creating a MYJBI account is free and serves as your gateway to all JBI related software and products.
The JBI SUMARI Knowledge Base is a repository of video and text-based tutorials, FAQs and other useful resources for you to get the most out of your JBI SUMARI experience.
Go to the JBI SUMARI Knowledge Base
JBI SUMARI supports literature reviews in a systematic way and can be used by many different audiences in different fields, including PhD students, researchers, practitioners and academics in general. JBI SUMARI is often used in higher degree settings as a comprehensive and supported systematic review platform for conducting and learning about best practice evidence synthesis.